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Why Choosing a New Volvo Over Your Leased Car is a Smart Movev

September 25 2023,

Why Choosing a New Volvo Over Your Leased Car is a Smart Movev

Ah, the eternal conundrum of the automotive world: should you buy a brand new Volvo or just buy back that leased vehicle you've grown so comfortable with? Both options come with their perks, but today, I'm leaning into Team New Volvo and here's why.

Top-Notch Safety Features

Volvo has built its reputation on being a safety leader in the industry. The company is continually innovating, coming up with groundbreaking safety technologies like blind-spot monitoring, lane-keeping assist, and adaptive cruise control. These are not just bells and whistles; they're life-saving features that could make all the difference in critical situations. When you go for a new Volvo, you get the latest and the greatest in safety tech. A leased vehicle, especially if it's a couple of years old, may not have all these new advancements.

The Joy of Customization

Buying a new Volvo offers the ultimate personalized experience. From interior finishes to engine options, the world is your oyster. You can specify exactly how you want your car to be, right down to the stitching on the leather seats. A leased car is a take-it-or-leave-it deal; you get what you're given. But a new Volvo lets you express your unique style and preferences.

Warranty and Maintenance Peace of Mind

New Volvos come with a comprehensive warranty, covering everything from your powertrain to roadside assistance. In addition, some packages even include free scheduled maintenance for a period. When you buy back a leased vehicle, you might be stepping out of the warranty comfort zone, and that's a risk. Any subsequent repairs become your responsibility, and trust me, they can add up.

Better Financing Options

Financing a new car often comes with lower interest rates, thanks to various promotions and incentives dealerships offer to move their inventory. This could translate to lower monthly payments, making the new Volvo an economically savvy choice in the long run. Leased vehicles, although cheaper upfront, can sometimes have higher financing rates when you decide to buy them back.

Cutting-Edge Tech and Infotainment

Volvo is always ahead of the curve when it comes to tech features. Whether it's a superior sound system, advanced navigation, or smartphone integration, a new Volvo comes packed with the latest infotainment offerings. While a leased car may have been state-of-the-art when you first got it, technology moves fast, and it could be outdated now.

In conclusion, a new Volvo offers numerous advantages over buying back a leased vehicle—from the latest safety features and customization options to better financing rates and the peace of mind that comes with a new warranty. So, if you're in the market for a mix of luxury, safety, and innovation, a new Volvo could be the perfect fit for you. Come see us today at Volvo Unionville to find the perfect Volvo for you!

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